LEED Major Components

Hybrid Parking


The proposed project, 2401 Evesham Road, consists of a 21,500 +/- square foot professional office building with associated parking facilities on site. The proposed parking provided for this project consists of 126 spaces. The 126 proposed parking spaces are broken down as 117 spaces provided under initial construction and 9 ghosted spaces to be provided at a later date if required. Parking spaces are provided to adequately address the requirements of the Voorhees Township Land Use Ordinance section 150.187.A. As indicated on the Amended Preliminary and Final Site Development Plans, of the 126 proposed parking spaces, 5 Hybrid Parking Spaces are provided with 4 of these spaces having direct access to an alternate fuel fueling station. The alternative fuel fueling station will be in the form of power jacks for vehicle battery recharge. Under the guidelines of Option 2 previously presented on page one of this section the project is in conformance with SS Credit 4.3. 




All free standing parking lot light stanchions have been design utilizing full cut-off fixtures that conforms to the maximum 5% fixtures emitting at a 90 degree angle or higher from nadir. The proposed parking lot lighting produces a maximum initial illuminance of 0 horizontal foot candles at the site boundary and 15 feet beyond the site boundary. This conforms to the requirement of maximum initial illuminance of 0.2 horizontal foot candles at the site boundary and 0.01 footcandles 15 feet beyond the site boundary. The proposed parking lot lighting produces a maximum initial illuminance of 0.2 vertical foot candles at the site boundary. This conforms to the requirement of maximum initial illuminance of 0.2 vertical foot candles at the site boundary.


Open Space


Under the Voorhees Township Land Development Ordinance section 152.065.J, the minimum open space requirement shall equal 25% of the entire tract and of the 25% open space no more than 50% of the area shall be wetlands.  The total tract is equal to 18.63 acres and 25% of that area is equal to 4.66 acres of open space required. Of the 4.66 acres only 2.33 acres shall consist of wetlands. The project proposes 5.48 acres of uplands open space and 8.25 acres of wetlands area open space. Under Option 1 of this section the open space areas must exceed the local open space zoning requirements by 25%. In summary, 2.33 acres times 25% = 2.91 acres open space required for both uplands and wetlands areas. The proposed project therefore exceeds the local zoning requirements by 25% and is in conformance with SS Credit 5.2.


Stormwater Quanity


Under the Voorhees Township Land Development Ordinance section number152.065.F the maximum allowable site impervious cover is limited to 60%. The total impervious cover after the proposed site improvements will be 4.01 acres.  The total area of the site is 18.63 acres so the impervious cover of the site is 21.52% which is in conformance with Option 1 as described above. The proposed stormwater design provides on-site infiltration basins to attenuate and control additional runoff created by the improvements proposed for the project. Five individual storage areas are proposed as part of the sites stormwater management. Basin 1 will be an underground storage system whose volume will be used during more intense storm events to supplement the volume contained in Basin 4. Basin 2 is also an underground storage system that will receive only roof runoff. Basin 3A, 3B and 4 are surface swales that will be utilized as infiltration basins. The projects stormwater management system has been designed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8 and complies with the required water quality storage and infiltration and the required runoff quantity rate reductions.


Stormwater Quality


The proposed stormwater design provides on-site infiltration basins to attenuate and control additional runoff created by the improvements proposed for the project. Five individual storage areas are proposed as part of the sites stormwater management. Basin 1 will be an underground storage system whose volume will be used during more intense storm events to supplement the volume contained in Basin 4. Basin 2 is also an underground storage system that will receive only roof runoff. Basin 3A, 3B and 4 are surface swales that will be utilized as infiltration basins. The projects stormwater management system has been designed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8 and complies with the required water quality storage and infiltration and the required runoff quantity rate reductions. The design of the overall stormwater management facilities will permit the settling of suspended solids carried by runoff before discharge from the site to downstream areas. Perimeter vegetation has been saved wherever possible after the proposed improvement limitations. Proposed grading has been kept to a minimum in order to provide for the proposed improvements and to provide proper slopes for conveyance of stormwater runoff. The location, shape and extent of the proposed drainage facilities have been designed to fit the natural topographic features and contours of the site. Construction traffic will be limited to only those areas to be developed at the site including; building location, parking areas and drives. Other areas will be left undisturbed and in their natural state. All landscaping and vegetative restoration will comply with the requirements of the Voorhees Township Land Development Ordinance. Exotic plants species are not proposed and only indigenous native plants material is specified. A stormwater Maintenance Manual has been established for this project and all drainage facilities will require that any trash or debris be removed periodically and disposed of according to established regulations. Revegetation of disturbed areas with permanent vegetative cover will be preformed in accordance with the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New Jersey.  


Soil Erosion


Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Measures for the proposed project shall be in accordance with the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New Jersey to be enforced by the Camden County Soil Conservation District. All storm sewer inlets will be protected from silt and sediment accumulation by providing perforated wooden frame crushed stone collars. Retaining walls and swale blankets will be used to control erosion from site slopes. Silt fences are proposed to control sediment from entering onto roadways, proposed basins and wetland areas. Basins and wetland areas will be protected by reinforced silt fence as added protection. Conduit outlet protection will be placed at all storm sewer endwalls to control erosion and scouring below the endwalls. A stabilized construction entrance is proposed to act as a tire cleaning device that will control sediment from entering onto the public roadways from the construction equipment. Topsoil storage areas will be protected by silt fence to control sediment runoff toward downstream areas. Any suspension of construction activity for more than 30 days will result in the contractor supplying temporary stabilization cover to all exposed areas. Dust control during dry weather periods will be controlled using water and water/chemical solutions sprayed onto the surface. All chemical solutions shall be environmentally friendly as specified within the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New Jersey.

LEED GOLD CS @ 2401 Evesham Road, Voorhees, New Jersey